Ralph Hood, Owner
Ranch Owner, Businessman, and Hunter
Ralph received a Bachelor of Science, cum laude, from The Pennsylvania State University in 1977. His curriculum was oriented toward graduate studies in the medical field because of a strong interest in biology. Post-graduation he decided some job experience could be an advantage with any future studies.
He began his career as a lab technician at Cappel Laboratories in Cochranville PA in 1977. Eventually he and other friends attempted to purchase Cappel but it was sold to a large pharmaceutical firm.
In 1982 Ralph wed Donna L Hood, who is also a Pennsylvania native, and they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary next spring. The first twenty-five years they would work side by side helping build the startup company Jackson ImmunoResearch Labs, Inc. into the largest most widely acclaimed secondary antibody manufacturer in the world. The antibodies are primarily used in research but are also key components to a wide variety of diagnostic tests such as Covid-19 antibody.
Ralph is currently the President and CEO of this dynamic company.
Other interests and hobbies central to his life typically involve being outdoors. In the summer, the vegetable garden and landscaping around the property are priority. When fall arrives its hunting, primarily archery for whitetails and possibly a late season exotic hunt.